Sunday, January 31, 2016

Monday 2/1

For Time
25 burpee box jumps
25 KBS 53/35 
25 front squats 135/95 
400m run

NBCF competitors 

Friday, January 29, 2016

Friday 1/29

Amrap 20
400m run
15 snatches 95/65 
15 HR push ups

NBCF competitors 
Squat snatch

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Wednesday 1/27

WOD -- partner 
3 min - Cal row
3 min - Deadlift 155/105
3 min - Medball sit ups
3 min - KBS 53/35

One person works and one rests trying accumulate as many reps as possible

Monday, January 25, 2016

Tuesday 1/26

Skill - 3 rounds
1 min - max double unders
1 min rest

For time
Thruster 75/55
Box jump 24/20
*New standard being implemented per CrossFit, Rx for a box jump requires a two foot jump. Step ups are not Rx!

Solid form!!

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Monday 1/25

"Open 15.4"

AMRAP in 8 minutes:
Handstand push-ups (sub HR push up)
Cleans @185/125LBS

Follow rep scheme:
3 - 3
6 - 3
9 - 3
12 - 6
15 - 6
18 - 6
21 - 9
24 - 9
27 - 9

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Thursday 1/21

"Bring a Friend Day"

Amrap 20 -- with partner
40 wallballs
40 box jump over
w/ 15 burpees every 5 min

Split reps as desired
Both partners complete burpees before continuing 

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Monday 1/18

4 RFT (15 min cap)
25 KBS 53/35
60' walking lunge with KB at shoulder
25 HR push ups

NBCF competitors 

The feeling everyone has while waiting for the WOD

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Friday 1/15

For time
Pull ups

Goal is to use the same weight for jerks that you used for cleans on Tuesday, or close to it

NBCF competitors 
Pull up rep scheme: 45-36-27

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Thursday 1/14

“Deck of Cards”

Number represents repetitions  (Face cards = 10)
 Suit represents the movement.
Hearts = AbMat Sit-Ups

Diamonds = Goblet Squats (53/35)
Spades = Kettlebell Swings (53/35)

Clubs = 50m shuttle run

Cards are flipped over one at a time. Entire class completes the repetitions before flipping the next card.

Score is the time it takes your class to make it through the deck!

Which class will be the fastest?

Monday, January 11, 2016

Tuesday 1/12

Establish a heavy single deadlift
Then, with a barbell loaded to 50 percent of your deadlift:

15 cleans for time

12 cleans for time

9 cleans for time

Rest as needed between each set

Courtesy of

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Thursday 1/7

"Bring a Friend Day"
Amrap 20 -- team of 3-4
15/12 cal row
12 sit ups
10 DB box step ups

Funnel Style

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Monday, January 4, 2016

Tuesday 1/5

Tabata -- 8 intervals each
Double unders
Ab mat sit ups

Amrap 20 -- partner
10 SDHP 75/55 -- 95/65
10 burpees
Alternate completed rounds

Box Notes: Thursday is Bring a Friend Day!!

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Monday 1/4

"Open 13.4"
Amrap 7
3 clean and jerks @135/95LBS, 
3 toes-to-bar, 
6 clean and jerks @135/95LBS,
6 toes-to-bar, 
9 clean and jerks @135/95LBS, 
9 toes-to-bar....

Box Notes:
Thursday is Bring a Friend Day!! Anybody wanting to try us out to come free to any class that day!!