Thursday, September 28, 2017

Friday 9/29

10 rounds 
2 min on and 2 min off
20 thruster 75/55
20 pull ups
20 box jumps 24/20
20 power snatch 75/55
20 hspu
40 double unders

Guys.. let's not freak out about today's wod.. its a 20 min Amrap that I'm giving you breaks every 2 min.. you're it doing 200 reps of each movement

Everything but the kitchen sink in today's wod.  Push yourself each interval, 2 min is a long time to recover between sets.  

Keep a running total of rounds and reps completed as each interval will continue where you left off.

Sub strict press for hspu, use same barbell weight.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Monday, September 25, 2017

Tuesday 9/26

For Time
50 wallballs 20/14
15 cleans 135/95
50 wallballs 20/14
10 cleans 185/135
50 wallballs 20/14
5 cleans 225/155

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Friday 9/22

8 rounds
Amrap 1
20s row (hard not casual)
8 hang power snatch 95/65
Max burpee to plate

Score for each round is number of burpee

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Thursday 9/21

"Bring a Friend Day"
400m run
20 dumbbell thruster 50/35
20 box jumps 24/20

Saturday we will only have one class time at 8:30!! It will be a partner wod so grab a friend and come see us!!

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Wednesday 9/20

Weightlifting Wednesday 
Every 90s for 10 rounds
1 power clean + 1 squat clean + jerk

Monday, September 18, 2017

Tuesday 9/19

Amrap 20
2 muscle up - 6 ring rows + 6 deficit push ups (45# plates)
4 Hspu - dumbbell strict press 50/35
8 KBS 70/53

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Monday 9/18

Work to a heavy 1 rep back squat

Tabata - alternate through 
Hollow rock
Wallball 20/14
Dumbbell snatch 50/35

Score is the least reps in any round

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Wednesday 9/13

3 or 5 RFT 
400m run
20 T2B

Sub T2Kettlebell

Yes you read that correctly, choose to do either 3 or 5 rounds of this workout.  Not 2 or 4. 

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Monday 9/11


Amrap 20
This is an unbroken set, drop the bar after the jerk
Use 70-75% of clean and jerk max
Squat clean
Front squat

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Friday 9/8

We are back to regular schedule on Monday!! Spread the word!!

Emom x 20
10 burpee

The goal here is to complete these burpees as fast as you can under 30 sec.  if you can't complete 10 then scale the number back

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Thursday 9/7

The gym is coming back together, hopefully normal schedule by Monday!!!

Emom x 32
Bike --- or run or row
10 thruster 135/95 --- or do 15 reps of something lighter 
40 double unders or 80 singles
15 hang power clean 135/95

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Wednesday 9/6

Clean up Time!!!

Good news!! Went by the gym today and they have already started drying out the inside area.  I will be there tomorrow 830-900 and start cleaning the gym area.  We have to pull out all the equipment and clean, pull out all the mats and pressure wash, and clean the cement inside. If you are looking for something to do come on. 

I have a pressure washer I am bringing. We have water but the water pressure is not great. Electricity will turned on Thursday. I have a lot of bleach.  Anything else you want to bring feel free!!

Monday, September 4, 2017

Tuesday 9/5

Keep working guys!! Just waiting on clearance to start the cleanup!!

600m run
Rest 30
200m run
Rest 2.30

If you don't have correct distances mark, run moderate for 2.30 rest 30 sec then run fast for 1 min. Get out and move people!!

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Monday 9/4

We are still closed.. looking at the end of the week for our clean up party!!

In the meantime, it's time to get out the house and move. I'm going to be giving you options and you got to hold yourself accountable. That's the beauty about CrossFit, we can modify everything. So if you are not able to do the workouts we can modify them so you can. Take 30-45 min and get your workout in, you'll feel better!!

"Hotshots 19"
30 air squats
19 power clean 135/95
7 strict pull ups

If you don't have a barbell, use a kettle bell or sub burpee.  You can also find a heavy object and pick it up and put it down. If you can't pull on anything just skip that movement.


Friday, September 1, 2017

Saturday 9/2

Hopefully we get some water moving down today!! Stay strong!!

**Thats a dang repeat from yesterday, let's get some water moving down today!!!**

5 RFT 
30 walking lunge
20 push ups
10 V-Up