Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Thursday 2/1

“Bring a Friend Day”
Amrap 17
100m farmers carry 53/35 (no running)
15 burpee box jumps 24/20
30 air squats

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Wednesday 1/31

Sumo Deadlift 
5 x 3 climbing

Amrap 8
10 sumo deadlift high pulls 95/64
15 medball sit ups 20/14

Monday, January 29, 2018

Tuesday 1/30

5 RFT 
400/350m row
10 bench press 
10 strict pull ups
Rest 1:1 or alternate rounds with partner

Bench press weight should be heavy but unbroken 
Bands are encouraged for strict pull ups, don’t do sloppy singles

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Monday 1/29

4 RFT 
200m shuttle run
20 double KB front squat
20 double KB push press 

Optional work after the WOD
Front Squat 3 x 2 across

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Friday 1/26

4 rounds
3 min on 1 min off
5 shoulder to overhead (heavy)
10 t2b
30 bar hop overs

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Wednesday 1/24

20 abmat sit ups
30 walking lunges
40 double unders

Sorry for the blank post, I’m getting an error uploading a picture. 

Monday, January 22, 2018

Tuesday 1/23

Push Press
5 x 7
New set every 2 min

Amrap 4
8 dumbbell power clean 50/35
12 target burpee

Rest 3 min


Sunday, January 21, 2018

Monday 1/22

“Partner Wod”
2 RFT 
100 cal row
85 single dumbbell push press 50/35
70 pull ups - go c2b if able

Split reps as desired. 

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Friday 1/19

“Weightlifting Friday”
For Time:
Power Clean 1x10 at 72% 1RM 
Power Clean 1x8 at 77% 1RM 
Power Clean 1x6 at 82% 1RM 
Power Clean 1x4 at 87% 1RM 
Power Clean 1x2 at 92% 1RM

If you don’t know your 1 rep max, Pick a start weight and increase each round

4 sets
7 front squat 13 back squat

Set weight around 55% of back squat max

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Thursday 1/18

“Bring a Friend Day”
Amrap 15
90’ overhead walking lunge with plate 45/35
30 abmat sit ups
20 wall balls

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Wednesday 11/17

500am, 600am, 830am classes are cancelled
Regular schedule beginning at 1200

3 RFT 
500m row
25 ring row
25 kettlebell swing 70/53

Double under Test
Amrap 3 - max double unders

Monday, January 15, 2018

Tuesday 11/16

We are open Tuesday, if you come in be careful!

I will update Facebook and also spread word through other members so keep updated, I will decide tomorrow about the possibility of canceling classes on Wednesday morning!!

Emom x 20
Odd: 6 - 10 dumbbell thrusters 50/35
Even: 6 - 10 burpee box jump over 24/20

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Monday 1/15


“Open 15.1”
Amrap 9
15 T2B
10 deadlift 115/75
5 snatch 115/75

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Friday 1/12

Partner WOD
For Time or Amrap 25
200 wall balls 20/14
150 power snatch 75/55
100 T2B

Split the reps as desired. 

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Thursday 1/11

8 rounds
20 on 10 off
Kettlebell Swing
Abmat sit up
Double Under

This will serve as a good warm up for the main event

500m row time trial

This is max effort, empty the tank, row as hard as possible

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Monday, January 8, 2018

Tuesday 1/9

5 rounds
1 min: cal row
1 min: power clean 135/95
1 min: bar facing burpee
1 min: rest

Score is total reps

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Friday 1/5

5 sets
2 power clean + 1 push jerk

12 deadlift 155/105
9 hang power clean 155/105
6 jerks 155/105

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Thursday 1/4

“Bring a Friend Day”
6 rounds
1 min: calorie row
1 min: rest
1 min: DB front rack walking lunge 50/35
1 min: rest

Score is the total reps completed for all intervals 

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Wednesday 1/3

40 double unders
30 wall balls 20/14
20 dumbbell snatch 50/35

Tomorrow is Bring a Friend Day

Monday, January 1, 2018

Tuesday 1/2

“Happy New Year 2018”
For Time
20 handstand push ups 
18 power snatch 135/95
20 chest to bar pull ups
18 push jerks 
20 abmat sit ups 
18 deadlifts 
20 push ups
18 back squats
20 burpees 
18 power cleans