Monday, July 31, 2017

August 8/1

Amrap 15
40 double unders
20 wallballs 20/14
10 burpee to a plate

Post Wod - Get after some strict press and push press if you're up to it!!

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Monday 7/31

400m run
21 dumbbell shoulder to overhead 50/35
15 t2b
9 dumbbell power clean 50/35

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Friday 7/28

It's a needed day, come get it in!!

4 x 400m run with 60s rest between

Rest 3 min

4 x 300m run with 45s rest between

Rest 3 min

4 x 200m run with 30s rest between

Your goal is to run each distance in the same time.  So all 400s the same, all 300s the same.. etc

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Thursday 7/27

Emom x 10 #1
15-25 wallballs 
15 ring rows

Rest 5 min

Emom x 10 #2
5-12 strict hspu (30-40s hs hold is the sub)
1-2 rope climbs 

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Wednesday 7/26

Weightlifting Wednesday

Every 90s x 10
1 power clean + 1 hang power clean + 2 split jerk 

Monday, July 24, 2017

Tuesday 7/25

3 RFT 
45 abmat sit ups 
15 front squats 185/135

These front squats should be heavy, pick a weight that may cause you to have to break. Today it's ok, challenge yourself!!

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Monday 7/24

For Time
50 jumping alternating lunges
50 pull ups
50 push press 95/65
50 good mornings 45/35
50 target burpees

Courtesy of

The scale for pull ups today will be jumping pull ups

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Friday 7/21

Dumbbell snatch

For the snatch, pick the heaviest weight you can move efficiently.. this should be tough. If the number of T2B is to high, you can scale it back or do T2KB

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Thursday 7/20

"Bring a Friend Day"
5 RFT 
500m row
Rest 90s
500m row
Rest 90s

You can do this with a partner and just alternate back and forth.
The goal here is to go faster on the second 500 of each round. These are not max effort 500m rows, pace the first one then go a little faster on the second one.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Monday, July 17, 2017

Tuesday 7/19

Every min on the min for 30 min
5 pull up
10 push up
15 squats

Very few people will finish this Rx.. but that's ok, it's a benchmark and here is how we will track our score.

First, we will be strict about movements, these are basic so perform them correctly, as you should do everyday.

This workout is 30 rounds total, one for each minute. You will get credit for completing one round every time you perform the 5-10-15 in under a minute. So, if you finish the 5-10-15 in 45 sec then you get credit for one round and you will wait until the next minute before you try to complete another round.  Let's say you do this successfully for 5 rounds and then on round 6 you are only able to complete 12 squats before the minute expires. You do not get credit for that round because it wasn't completed and you are forced to rest the entire next minute before you can try and complete another round. 

So, some of you may not be able to complete a full round within one minute and that's fine, you will work a minute and then rest a minute for 30 min.

Your score will be the total number of rounds that you complete the full 5-10-15 rep count.

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Monday 7/18

For Time
Run 400m
30 thruster 95/65
30 Kbs 53/35
Run 400m
20 thruster
20 Kbs
Run 400m
10 thruster 
10 Kbs

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Friday 7/15

For Time 
50 cal row
Then, 5 rounds
14 hspu
7 BarMu 

We will sub 3 wall walks for the hspu and 15 ring rows for the BarMu 

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Wednesday 7/12

Weightlifting Wednesday 
Back squat 10-8-8-8

Front Squat 5-5-5-5

Monday, July 10, 2017

Tuesday 7/11

3 rounds
Amrap 2
10 squat cleans 135/95
15 toe to kettlebell 

Rest 1 min

Amrap 2
15 chest to bar pull up
40 double under

Rest 1 min

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Monday 7/10

For Time
40 burpee to plate
60 kettlebell swings 70/53
80 wallballs 20/14

We capping the wod at 15 min, be smart with the kettlebell weight.. we don't want you using something that you're not capable of moving well.

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Thursday 7/6

Wod - Bring a Friend Day
Amrap 20
10 push press 115/75
10 kbs 53/35
10 box jumps 24/20

Remember the evening classes (430,530,630) will be closed tonight

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Wednesday 7/5

Sub barbell good mornings 45/35 for back extensions 

My Dad

Without my dad Norbeau wouldn't exist.. he is the one who gave me the go ahead to quit my job and open a business.. he is the one who said he would help if we got in a bind during start up.. he loaned me the money to make initial purchase of equipment..he's been there for any and all construction that was needed.. and he even started coming to workout after he was diagnosed..

He passed away the morning of July 3.. this Thursday night we will close all the evening classes because his visitation will be from 5-8 at Broussard's in Silsbee and we will also close the 830 and 1200 classes on Friday for his funeral which will be at St Marks Catholic Church in Silsbee at 10:00.  

Thank you to everyone who has called or texted.. it means more than you know!!

Monday, July 3, 2017

Tuesday 7/4

For Time
10 thruster 95/65
15 bar facing burpee
20 thruster
25 bar facing burpee
30 thruster
35 bar facing burpee

Be warm and ready to start at either 800, 830, or 900 start times

U.S. Army First Lieutenant Omar Vazquez, 25, of Hamilton, New Jersey, assigned to the 2nd Squadron, 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment, based in Fort Hood, Texas, died of wounds suffered April 22, 2011, when insurgents in Numaniyah, Iraq, attacked his unit with an improvised explosive device. He is survived by his parents Maria and Pablo, sister Marisel, and brothers Pablo and Javier.

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Monday 7/3

"Hero Week"
We will do a Hero WOD in class each day this week to honor those who have given the ultimate sacrifice.  Approach these workouts with that in mind.

Tuesday July 4th we will only be open in the morning. We will have Wod start times at 800, 830, and 900. Be warm and ready to start the workout at whichever time you prefer.