Monday, July 17, 2017

Tuesday 7/19

Every min on the min for 30 min
5 pull up
10 push up
15 squats

Very few people will finish this Rx.. but that's ok, it's a benchmark and here is how we will track our score.

First, we will be strict about movements, these are basic so perform them correctly, as you should do everyday.

This workout is 30 rounds total, one for each minute. You will get credit for completing one round every time you perform the 5-10-15 in under a minute. So, if you finish the 5-10-15 in 45 sec then you get credit for one round and you will wait until the next minute before you try to complete another round.  Let's say you do this successfully for 5 rounds and then on round 6 you are only able to complete 12 squats before the minute expires. You do not get credit for that round because it wasn't completed and you are forced to rest the entire next minute before you can try and complete another round. 

So, some of you may not be able to complete a full round within one minute and that's fine, you will work a minute and then rest a minute for 30 min.

Your score will be the total number of rounds that you complete the full 5-10-15 rep count.

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