Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Thursday 2/25

Amrap 15
15 wallballs
10 burpees
10 DB snatch

Box Notes:
The 2016 CrossFit Open starts this week!  Here is what we have going on the next 5 weeks.
1.  Every Thursday night we will watch the live announcement of the workout in the lobby at 7:00pm.  We will still hold our regular 6:30 class, it will just move quickly so everyone can watch.
2.  We will do the workout in class on Fridays and those registered will also have the option of repeating the workout in class on Monday.  
3. We will also do an event every Friday night at 6:00 "Friday Night Lights" where the whole community is invited to come get judged or just support those doing the workout.
4. Sign up, get registered, participate.. You'll be surprised at what you can do!

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