Monday, January 23, 2017

Tuesday 1/24

50 double unders
10 shoulder to overhead 135/95
10 toe to bar

Nutrition Challenge

Get your measurements in the week!!  Question and Answer seminar Saturday at 11:00!!

Dates: Jan 30 - Mar 10 (6 weeks)
Cost: $25
Beginning Question and Answer Seminar:
Saturday, Jan 28 11:00am

This is a challenge designed to help those who are unfamiliar with what foods to eat in order to fuel their workouts and achieve the results they desire and also as an added accountability for those already on a nutrition plan.  We will do body fat measurements at the beginning and at the end of the challenge.  During the seminar we will show you how to take those measurements and determine how much food and what kind of food you need to be eating to deliver the best results.  Talk with Jason or Connor for more information.

You will need to get with Connor to have your beginning measurements taken any time between January 23-28


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