Thursday, August 31, 2017

Friday 9/1

**Hopefully we get some water moving down today!! Stay strong guys!!**

At home with no equipment 
3 RFT 
800m run or 4 min run
50 air squats

At home with equipment
Amrap 10
10 clean and jerk 135/95
20 weighted sit ups

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Thursday 8/31

**As of now the electricity is still off so we will be closed until we can get it back on.  We have a private FB group called NorBeau Members where you can also stay up to date. Send me a request and I will add you!

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Wednesday 8/30

**We will be closed all day on Wednesday! We are praying for all those who have been affected by the floods!**

**If you would like to get a workout in at home, I will post several options for you to do**

Tabata -- 8 intervals each of -- 20 sec on 10 sec off
Push ups
Sit ups
Air squats
Complete all 8 intervals of push ups, then sit ups.. etc

3 RFT 
75 double unders
24 kettlebell snatch 53/35 (12R/12L)
1 min plank hold

Amrap 6
3 strict hspu
3 strict push ups

Monday, August 28, 2017

Tuesday 8/29

6 rounds
2 min on 1 min off
10 power snatch 95/65
10 burpee
10 toe to bar

**We will close the gym today at 1:00pm. Information regarding tomorrow will be posted tonight**


Sunday, August 27, 2017

Monday 8/28

Thruster 95/65
Pull up

***We will not have any official class times but the gym will be open today until 5:00pm. Come by and workout at anytime between now and then. Be safe, be smart and be careful! 

Tomorrow's schedule will be posted at 8:00pm this evening here on Facebook, the website and BTWB. Sorry for any inconvenience!***

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Friday 8/25

Emom x 15
12-20 cal row
12-20 burpee
1-3 wall walks

Coach will tell you what reps you need to try and hit of each exercise!!

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Thursday 8/24

4 RFT 
40 wallballs 20/14
30 jump over box 24/20
100m farmers carry 53/35

Today we are not jumping on top of the box, we are jumping over the box. If you can't jump over the box we can use a bench or the parrellets, but find something to jump over.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Wednesday 8/23

For Time
50 clean and jerks 135/95

Attack this workout one of two ways
A. Go solo and storm through as fast as possible
B. Partner up and alternate reps back and forth giving you some built in rest (both partners complete 50 reps)

Monday, August 21, 2017

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Monday 8/21

Back Squat 4 x 5 
Front Squat 4 x 5

Tabata - alternate back and forth
KBS 70/53
Double Under

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Friday 8/18

7 Rounds
1 min row(hard)
2 min rest
1 min sled push(walking the entire minute)
2 min rest

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Thursday 8/17

"Bring a Friend Day"
Partner up and split reps 
Dumbbell snatch 70/50
Target burpee

Scale weight as needed

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Wednesday 8/16

4 rounds
Amrap 3
50 double unders
12 toe to bar
15 dumbbell thruster 50/35

Rest 1 min between
Start each amrap from the beginning each round

Monday, August 14, 2017

Tuesday 8/15

Touch n go Power clean
Emom x 15
Min 1-5: 5 reps
Min 6-10: 3 reps
Min 11-15: 1 rep every 30 sec

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Friday 8/11

Wod - Option A
For Time
100 pull ups
80 wall ball 20/14
60 push ups
40 KB single arm OHS 53/35
20 double KB clean & jerk 53/35
10 muscle up

Wod - Option B
For Time
60 wall ball 20/14
50 pull ups
40 OHS 75/55
30 KBS 70/53
20 double KB clean & jerk 53/35
10 bar muscle up

"Have fun"

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Thursday 8/10

2 rounds each for time 
45/35 cal row
35 burpees to plate
2 min rest 

Cash out
800m run with medball 20/14

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Wednesday 8/9

7 RFT 
10 front walking lunge 155/105
8 hang power clean 155/105
6 front squat 155/105

Work with a partner and alternate each movement. Meaning partner A does lunge then partner B does lunge.. etc

Monday, August 7, 2017

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Friday 8/4

22 chest to bar pull ups
22 burpee box jump overs 24/20

10 min time cap
Scale to regular pull ups if needed

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Thursday 8/3

"Bring a Friend Day"
Double Tabata
40 sec on 20 sec off
Row calories
Kettlebell swing 70/53
Walking lunge 

Score is the least number of reps achieved in any round

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Wednesday 8/2

Weightlifting Wednesday 
Back squat 4 x 6 
Front squat 4 x 5

Banded Good morning 4 x 20
V-up 4 x 15