Sunday, September 3, 2017

Monday 9/4

We are still closed.. looking at the end of the week for our clean up party!!

In the meantime, it's time to get out the house and move. I'm going to be giving you options and you got to hold yourself accountable. That's the beauty about CrossFit, we can modify everything. So if you are not able to do the workouts we can modify them so you can. Take 30-45 min and get your workout in, you'll feel better!!

"Hotshots 19"
30 air squats
19 power clean 135/95
7 strict pull ups

If you don't have a barbell, use a kettle bell or sub burpee.  You can also find a heavy object and pick it up and put it down. If you can't pull on anything just skip that movement.


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