Sunday, February 25, 2018

Monday 2/26

18.1 Redo


Amrap 20 
400m run
20 kbs 53/35
20 sit ups

You have to go to the CrossFit Games site, same place you registered, and submit your scores by 6:59pm on Monday night.  After you submit, I will go and validate your scores and then you will see them in the leaderboard.  If you forget to submit, your score WILL NOT count for your teams total scoring this week.  

Also, this is the one time of year where we will allow you to redo workouts to try and get the best possible score you can.  If you would like to redo on Monday, please understand that’s it’s a 20 min workout and I will not be able to get everyone judged within the hour long class period.  Some people will have to stay after class a little in order to get the workout judged!!  BUT we will make it happen!! Good luck people!!

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