Monday, February 18, 2019

Tuesday 2/19

8 Rounds
2 min on 1 min off
Alternate back and forth between Amrap A and Amrap B
You will do each 4 times

Amrap A Complete as many reps as possible in 2 mins of: 5 Push-ups 10 Toes-to-bars -- Hanging knee raises 15 Air Squats

Rest 1 min

Amrap B Complete as many reps as possible in 2 mins of: 15 Kettlebell Swings, pick load 30 Double Unders

Rest 1 min

Friday Night Lights and The Open Schedule

On Friday evening we will not have a 530 class!!

Bring by any donations that you would like to contribute to help Diego this week or bring them on Friday night!!

-Friday Night Lights starts at 6:00pm, come join in the fun. If you are signed up for the Open try and workout during this time, we will have plenty of judges available. 
-The workout will be programmed during class on Friday and if you need to be judged during one of the class times that will be fine too, we can make it happen.  
-Get with a coach if you need to be judged on Saturday and we will try to get it set up.
-On Mondays there will be two wods programmed. 
 If you missed the wod on Friday or if you want a redo that will be available on Monday.  An alternate wod will also be programmed.

This is the one time a year where redoing a workout to do as good as you possibly can is ok.  Most of the time we don't have any plan for our daily workouts.  If you do the workout the first time and you feel that you can do better with a different approach then do it.  Test and learn something that you can apply to your workouts in the future

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