Team 4-5 -- funnel style
200m row
15 medball sit ups 20/14
200m run
Barbell cycling:
4 x 3 tng power clean + 3 shoulder to overhead
3 x 5 tng power clean + 5 shoulder to overhead
2 x 8 tng power clean + 8 shoulder to overhead
1 x 10 tng power clean + 10 shoulder to overhead
Rest 90s between sets. You do four sets of 3+3, three sets of 5+5, two sets of 8+8 and one set of 10+10. Start as heavy as form allows and decrease weight as sets gets longer.
Every 90s for 15 min (10 rds):
2 Clean and Jerk (no tng)
rest 5 min
Emom 10:
1 Clean and Jerk
Go as heavy as form allows!!
NBCF competitors
Squat Clean