Monday, October 31, 2016

Tuesday 11/1

Amrap 12
30 shoulder to overhead 75/55
200m run
30 power snatch 75/55
200m run


Thursday, October 27, 2016

Friday 10/28

Partner - Split reps as desired
Amrap 12
100 push ups
100 air squat
100 sit ups
100 air squat


Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Thursday 10/27

For Time
30 push press 115/75
30 pull ups
30 hang squat cleans 115/75
30 pull ups
30 overhead squats 115/75

NBCF competitors 
Chest to bar


Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Monday, October 24, 2016

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Monday 10/24

Everyday Warrior Battle Series Week 1
For the next 4 weeks we will be doing a workout in class to bring awareness to a cause that is helping Crossfitters who are battling cancer. You can donate to help or simply pray for those who face the battle everyday.  Find more information in the link below.

Week 1: “VIGOR” 12 Minute AMRAP

RX Version:
3 Deadlifts 275/185 lbs. (This STARTS Every Round)
3 Box Jump Over 24/20 inches (Step Ups Allowed)
3 Deadlifts 275/185 lbs.
6 Box Jump Over
3 Deadlifts 275/185 lbs.
9 Box Jump Over

RX Deadlift: 275/185 lbs.
Scaled Deadlift: 185/115 lbs.
Masters Deadlift: 225/135 lbs.
Masters Scaled Deadlift: 155/95 lbs.
Teens Deadlift: 185/115 lbs.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Friday 10/21

Sometimes in life you have to do the same things two days in a row or the same week... tomorrow is one of those days.. you'll be ok!! 😊

For Time
25 deadlift 225/155
50 pistols
75 wallballs 20/14
50 double unders
25 handstand push ups

NBCF competitors
Deadlift 275/185


Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Thursday 10/20

"Bring a Friend Day"
250m row Time Trial


For Time
Power Snatch 135/95
With 30 double unders after each round


Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Wednesday 10/19

Amrap Repeats
Each amrap is 1:30 with :30 rest between
You will alternate back and forth

Amrap A
10 wallball 20/14
10 kettlebell swings 53/35

Amrap B
10 abmat sit ups
10 stationary alternating lunges


Monday, October 17, 2016

Tuesday 10/18

Amrap 15
400m run
20 pull ups
200m run
20 push ups

If your efficient at pull ups go C2B


Sunday, October 16, 2016

Monday 10/17

4 rounds
Start a new round every 3:30
15 thrusters
10 TNG power cleans

This is an unbroken set of 25 reps


Thursday, October 13, 2016

Friday 10/14

Strength / Skill
5 rounds
3 push press
1-2 rope climbs

10 intervals
Kbs 53/35
Abmat sit ups
Alternate back and forth, score is total reps


Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Thursday 10/13

Funnel Style - 2-3 person teams
Everyone will complete 10 rounds

10 RFT
10/8 cal row
10 push ups
10 goblet squats 53/35


Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Monday, October 10, 2016

Tuesday 10/11

5 RFT 
100m farmers carry 53/35
20 medball cleans 20/14
30' handstand walk (sub 3 wall walks)


Sunday, October 9, 2016

Monday 10/10

"Open 13.1"

As many reps in 17 mins as you can of: 
40 Burpees 
30 Snatches, 75/45 lbs 
30 Burpees 
30 Snatches, 135/75 lbs 
20 Burpees 
30 Snatches, 165/100 lbs 
10 Burpees 
Snatch, 210/120 lbs


Thursday, October 6, 2016

Friday 10/7

Amrap 8
Pull ups
Handstand push ups

NBCF competitors 
Chest to bar pull ups

There is no set number of reps you have to do at one time. You will alternate back and forth accumulating as many reps as possible.


Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Thursday 10/6

Bring a Friend Day

WOD - Partner
For time
400m run with med ball
Wallball 20/14
KB SDHP 53/35
400m run with medball

Run together, one person holds medball
Split the reps as desired


Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Wednesday 10/5

Weightlifting Wednesday

1. Every 2 min for 20 min
1 snatch
This is a time to go a little heavier

2. EMOM x 10
5 TNG power snatch
Heavy as form allows, this will get tough


Monday, October 3, 2016

Tuesday 10/4

Front Squat 2 x 10 climbing 

Shoulder to overhead 135/95
with 50 DU after each round


Sunday, October 2, 2016

Monday 10/3

7 rounds
:40 sec on :20 sec off
Rotate through in order 

Calorie Row
Target Burpee
Power Cleans 155/105

Score is the least amount of reps you get in any round

NBCF competitors 