Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Thursday 2/23

Emom x 20
Min 1: row (pick a tough pace you can maintain)
Min 2: target burpees (move entire min)
Min 3: 30 double unders
Min 4: 10-20 wallballs 

17.1 Open announcement is tonight at 7:00pm!!  We will watch it live at NorBeau if you want to join.

Friday Night Lights
We will be making heats at 6:30. Be there before then so we can go over standards and get heats established. If you have to work late but would still like to participate just let us know before 6:30 and we will get you in a heat.  You DO NOT have to participate in Friday Night Lights in order to be judged for the open. We will do the wod in class on Friday and you can also do it Monday.  Scores must be submitted by 7:00pm Monday.


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