Sunday, March 26, 2017

Monday 3/27

Open 17.5 Redo
If you struggled Friday completing this wod in under 30 min, I do not advise a redo. Spend time in the next year to be better at double unders and don't let them continue to be a weakness

But if you want to go for 40 min, find someone to go with you and y'all can judge each other. I cannot allocate a judge for that long on a redo.


3 rounds for total reps
1 min: back squat 135/95
1 min rest
1 min: sit ups
1 min rest
1 min: power clean 135/95
1 min rest

Nutrition Challenge
Congratulations to everyone who completed the nutrition challenge.  It's not easy to make a big change to your lifestyle but for those of you who stuck it out for the whole challenge, we hope you learned a few things that will help you live a healthier life!! Take what you learned, apply it, and the results you want will come.  We are here to help!! 

Top 3 finishers lost:
Stevie Hooks - 27 lbs -- 3.33% body fat
Cheryl Smith - 10 lbs -- 6.69% body fat
Sam Johnson - 17.2 lbs -- 5.01% body fat

Other Notable finishers lost:
Jennifer Windham -- 2.58% body fat
James Myers -- 14.2 lbs -- 2.47% body fat
Robert Luna -- 8 lbs
Rocky McDonald -- 2.21% body fat
Jason Gregg -- 11.2 lbs -- 2.5% body fat
Tonya Smart -- 5.4 lbs -- 3.95% body fat
Joanna Creel -- 7.2 lbs -- 2.51% body fat
Leslie Meaux -- 9.5 lbs -- 3.69% body fat

Congratulate these guys when you see them!! If you are interested in seeing similar results, come talk to us!!

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