Monday, October 30, 2017

Tuesday 10/31

Amrap 20
4 muscle ups
8 dumbbell Power clean 50/35
12 dumbbell front rack lunge 50/35

Scaling the muscle ups
1. Do bar muscle ups or banded bar muscles 
2. 8 pull ups

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Monday 10/30

Every 5 min for 5 sets
20/17 cal row - Pick calories to finish under 1:15
20 KBS - Pick weight to go unbroken
20 push jerk 95/64

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Friday 10/27

Amrap 15
15 wall ball 20/14
20 kettlebell swings 70/53
15 box jumps 30/24 

NorBeast Games this Saturday, we will have a judges meeting Friday at 6:30.  We will need as many judges and volunteers as we can get. Volunteers will just need to be there by 7:30am Saturday morning.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Thursday 10/26

For Time - split reps with a partner
2000m row
75 hang power clean 135/95
150 push ups
75 hang power clean 135/95
2000m row

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Wednesday 10/25

Front Squat

Amrap 10
10 front squat 135/95
10 pull ups - go c2b if possible 

Monday, October 23, 2017

Tuesday 10/24

Amrap 20
300m shuttle run (50 out and back)
30 abmat sit ups
15 double dumbbell shoulder to overhead 50/35

NorBeast Games this Saturday, we will have a judges meeting Friday at 6:30.  We will need as many judges and volunteers as we can get. Volunteers will just need to be there by 7:30am Saturday morning.

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Monday 10/23

3 RFT 
75 double unders
15 power snatch 95/65
10 burpee pull ups

NorBeast Games this Saturday, we will have a judges meeting Friday at 6:30.  We will need as many judges and volunteers as we can get. Volunteers will just need to be there by 7:30am Saturday morning.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Friday 10/20

4 RFT 
30 KB snatch 53/35
15 T2B
30 KB push Press 53/35

15 snatches right arm
15 snatches left arm
15 toe to bar
15 push Press right arm
15 push Press left arm

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Thursday 10/19

“Bring a Friend Day”

Option A
5 RFT - 35 min cap
400m run
30 box jumps 24/20
30 wall balls 20/14


Option B
“Mini Kelly”
400m run
30 box jumps 24/20
30 wall balls 20/14

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Wednesday 10/18

“Weightlifting Wednesday “

1. Muscle Clean + Strict Press (3+3)x 4

2. Clean Pull + Clean+ Jerk: (1+2+1)x 2, (1+1+1) x 3 sets. Move up in weight each set.

3. Push Press: Quickly work up to a heavy set of  3

Monday, October 16, 2017

Tuesday 10/17

Amrap 25
30 cal row
15 burpees 

Partner up and alternate each exercise with one person working and one person resting.

Scale calories to something that can be completed in 1:30

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Monday 10/16

Deadlift 225/155

Sub with dumbbell strict press if hspu are not an option. Then Post wod accumulate 30 pike hspu off of a box if you want to work towards getting hspu.

Hold the standard on hspu. Going fast but not finishing your reps with arms extended, heels against the wall and toes pulled back means nothing.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Friday 10/13

5 RFT 
100m dumbbell farmers carry 50/35
20 push-ups on dumbbells
10 dumbbell push Press 50/35

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Thursday 10/12

Weightlifting Thursday - It’s a thing

Emom x 10
5 tng power snatch

Emom x 10
3 tng power clean

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Wednesday 10/11

For Time
50/40 cal row
100 double unders
800m medball run
100 double unders
50/40 cal row


Sunday, October 8, 2017

Monday 11/9

“Nasty Girls”
3 RFT 
50 air squats
7 muscle ups
10 hang power clean 135/95

As a sub for ring muscle ups. You can scale the number back or do bar or banded bar muscle ups.

If you don’t have muscle ups yet, sub 14 pull ups and 21 push ups.

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Friday 11/6

Emom x 20
1. 200m run
2. 10 - 15 thrusters 95/65
3. 20 ab mat sit ups
4. 30-60 ft hs walk or 2 wall walks

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Thursday 11/5

“Bring a Friend Day”
Amrap 20
5 chest to bar pull ups
10 wallballs 20/14
15 KBS 53/35

Sub regular pull ups or ring rows

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Wednesday 11/4

Weightlifting Wednesday 
1. Every 2:30 x 5
2 pause front squat + 2 regular front squats
Start somewhere around 65% of your front squat max and you can climb each set or stay the same weight

2. Every 2:00 x 5
Power clean + push jerk + split jerk
Pick a medium weight and hit for all 5 sets. Focus on consistency in the dip and drive in the jerks.

Monday, October 2, 2017

Tuesday 11/3

5 rounds
40s on 20s off
Target burpees
Single arm KB overhead walking lunge 70/53
Row calories 

Score is the least amount of reps you get in any round

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Monday 10/2

Tempo Back Squat 5 x 3
3 seconds on the way down, 2 seconds in the bottom 
Don't go so heavy you can't keep tempo

4 RFT 
15 hang power snatch 95/65
30 double unders