Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Thursday 11/29

7 rounds
Work to accumulate as many reps as possible

1 min double unders or single unders
1 min rope climbs or ring row
1 min alternating pistols or walking lungs

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Wednesday 11/28

For Time
Run 200m
Rest 30 sec
Run 400m 
Rest 1 min
Run 600m
Rest 1:30
Run 800m
Rest 2 min
Run 600m
Rest 1:30
Run 400m
Rest 1 min
Run 200m

Monday, November 26, 2018

Tuesday 11/27

Emom x 10
3 push press 

Buy in 
50 Abmat sit up
3 rounds
15 hang power clean
15 hspu
50 Abmat sit up 

Rx 135/95
Scaled 115/75
Scale hspu to push press at same weight

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Friday 11/23

“The Sampler”
For Time
400m run
Then, 5 rounds
5 pull 
10 push up
15 squats
Then, 4 rounds
8 hspu
15 kbs 53/35
Then, 3 rounds
15 box jump 24/20
15 t2b
Then, 2 rounds
20 wall ball 20/14
30 Abmat sit ups
Then, 1 round
50 burpee
400m run

The gym will be open at 8:15, we ready to workout in one of the following heats

The warm up will be posted in the board... ENJOY!!

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Wednesday 11/21

Partner WOD
Split reps
Amrap 20
100 burpee box jump over 24/20
100 shoulder to overhead 135/95
100 chest to bar pull ups

Scale the weight back if needed
Scale to regular pull ups or banded pull ups

Monday, November 19, 2018

Tuesday 11/20

Tabata Row calorie

5 x 3 climbing

Front rack reverse lunge
3 x 12 

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Monday 11/19

“Recovery WOD”
5 rounds
40 sec on 20 sec off
Double under
DB snatch
Toe to bar
Score is the least number of reps in any round

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Friday 11/16

Every 2 min x 5
5 front squat 

Wod - Rx
4 RFT 
15 hang squat cleans 115/80
30 push ups

Wod - Scaled
4 RFT 
15 hang squat cleans 95/65
30 push ups 

NO 8:30 CLASS!!

10:00 class as scheduled 

Connors going away party at 4:00!

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Thursday 11/15

Wod - Rx
Amrap 15
30 double under
15 chest to bar pull ups
30 Abmat sit ups

Wod - Scaled
Amrap 15
60 single under
15 pull ups
30 Abmat sit ups
Do jumping pull ups if needed

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Wednesday 11/14

Overhead Squat
5 x 4

Amrap 12
12 overhead squat (at 55% of your last set from above)
12 box jump 24/20 (jump up, step down, no rebounding)

Monday, November 12, 2018

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Monday 11/12

Wod - Rx
3 RFT 
40 wall ball 20/14
20 power snatch 115/80
10 muscle ups
Rest 3 min
Scale to BarMu, muscle up transitions, or chest to bar

Wod - Scaled
3 RFT 
40 wall ball
20 power snatch 95/65
10 jumping chest to bar pull ups 
Rest 3 min

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Friday 11/9

Emom x 10 (add weight each minute)
1 power clean + 1 low hang PC + 1 hang PC + 1 hang clean

Wod - Rx 
For Time
60 deadlift 155/105
45 front squat 155/105
30 shoulder to overhead 155/105

Wod - Scaled 
For Time
60 deadlift 115/75
45 front squat 115/75
30 shoulder to overhead 115/75

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Thursday 11/8

Partner Wod
Amrap 20
20/15 cal row or 15/12 cal bike or 20/15 cal ski

You will alternate back and forth with a partner accumulating as many reps as possible

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Wednesday 11/7

4 rounds
50 double unders
16 dumbbell front rack lunge 50/35

Rest 1 min between Amraps

Monday, November 5, 2018

Tuesday 11/6

Back Squat 3 x 5

Wod - 6 min cap
Cal row
Burpee box jump over 24/20

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Monday 11/5

Pick your poison today!! Both versions are difficult!

800m run
30 kbs 70/53
30 pull ups 

“Partner Eva”
800m run
30 kbs 70/53
30 pull ups
Split reps evenly, scale the weight of the kbs and use a band if needed for pull ups

Connor’s going away party!!

Saturday, Nov 17 at 4:00pm

Working out and then hanging out after!!  Bring any and all the food and drinks you want!!  Connor is programming what we do so be prepared for anything.  Let’s have some fun and celebrate what has been a good last 4 years and wish Connor good luck in the future!!

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Friday 11/2

Find a 3 rep 
hang power clean

Amrap 7
Max wall balls
With 7 hang power cleans at minutes 0,1,2,3,4,5,6