Sunday, December 16, 2018

Monday 12/17

Wod - Rx
Amrap 15
50 double unders 
40 air squats
50 double unders
30 pull ups
50 double unders
20 push ups

Wod - Scaled
Amrap 15
50 single unders
40 air squats
50 single unders
30 jumping pull ups
50 single unders
20 knee push ups

Friday - Christmas Party 
6:00 - “12 Days of Christmas”
Gift exchange to follow workout, bring something if you would like to participate.  
Bring your favorite dish and we will hang out socialize afterwards.

Monday - Christmas Eve - 
One class at 8:30 ONLY. The gym will be open from 8:00 - 10:00.  A “fun” partner Wod will be programmed!!

Tuesday - Christmas - CLOSED

Regular Schedule the rest of the week

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