Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Monday, May 30, 2016

Tuesday 5/31

Barbell cycling:
4 x 3 tng power clean + 3 shoulder to overhead

3 x 5 tng power clean + 5 shoulder to overhead

2 x 8 tng power clean + 8 shoulder to overhead

1 x 10 tng power clean + 10 shoulder to overhead

Rest 90s between sets. You do four sets of 3+3, three sets of 5+5, two sets of 8+8 and one set of 10+10. Start as heavy as form allows and decrease weight as sets gets longer.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Monday 5/30

Memorial Day Murph
We will hold only one class today at 9:00am. Come pay tribute to those who have given the ultimate sacrifice.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Thursday 5/26

5 rounds
Amrap 2
10 power cleans 60%
50 double unders

Rest 1 min

Amrap 2
20 burpees
20 pull ups

Rest 1 min

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Wednesday 5/25

Weightlifting Wednesday 
It's a heavy day, go heavy

Back Squat 5 X 3 across

Back rack box step up 3 X 10
Do all 5 right leg then 5 left leg, 20" box

Monday, May 23, 2016

Tuesday 5/24

For time
Run 500m 
21 T2B
21 Push Jerk 95/65
Run 500m
15 T2B
15 Push Jerk
Run 500m
9 T2B
9 Push Jerk 

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Monday 5/23

Coed Partner

For Time
75 ground to overhead 75#
75 bar facing burpee 
Split reps as desired, you can snatch or clean and jerk

We have moved into our new location. We are now three doors down from where we currently were.  Come see what the new spot looks like and all the new room we have for activities!!

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Friday 5/20

With a continuously running clock, perform 5 shoulder to overhead every minute on the minute..
0:00 - 2:00: 95/65
2:00 - 4:00: 115/75
4:00 - 6:00: 135/95
Continue increasing weight every two minutes. Your workout is over once you drop the barbell before completing your five reps.

Weight increases 

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Thursday 5/19

"Bring a Friend Day"
For time
2000m run
200 double unders - 400 singles
100 medball cleans

Split reps as desired

All classes are free to try, bring a friend!!

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Wednesday 5/18

Emom 25
Min 1: row 
Min 2: 7 - 10 target burpees
Min 3: 7 - 10 power snatch 95/65
Min 4: 50m farmers carry 53/35
Min 5: rest

Monday, May 16, 2016

Tuesday 5/17

3 intervals each, alternate through each exercise. So do A, then B and so on

A. Box jumps 24/20
B. Pull ups
C. Push ups
D. L Sit

Score will be the least number of reps completed in each exercise.. Do the best you can on L Sit, use rings or hang from a bar

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Monday 5/16

Regional Event 4
28 pistols alternating
15 power cleans 115/85

We will scale the pistols to weighted stationary lunges holding a plate 15/10

Box notes: 
No classes scheduled for Saturday, ITS MOVING DAY!! Come help us move into our new location!!

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Thursday 5/12

In 12 min,
Find a max hi hang snatch 


Every 90s for 15 min
Option A: 1 snatch + OHS
Option B: 3 snatch

You will have the option to do either rep combination during that 15 min

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Monday, May 9, 2016

Tuesday 5/10

Amrap 10
2,4,6,8... Power Clean 135/95
2,4,6,8... Shoulder to overhead 135/95
2,4,6,8... T2B

So do 2 reps of each, then 4 and so on

Box Notes:
We are currently prepping our new space for the move. I understand that we are packed and equipment and space is limited but we have just a couple more weeks and all the NorBeasts will have more room to roam!! Thanks for your patience!!

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Friday 5/6

For time
40 push press 95/65
40 front squat 95/65
20 push press
20 front squat

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Thursday 5/5

"Bring a Friend Day"
Amrap 15 -- partner
10 KBS 53/35
10 Med ball cleans 20/14
10 Box jump overs 24/20
(Don't have to touch the top of the box)

*alternate completed rounds with partner
NBCF competitors - 70/53

Interested in tracking your wods and measuring your progress? We have set up our box on Beyond the Whiteboard and you will now have the ability to enter your wod results in everyday! The cost for this service is $5 a month and will just be added to your monthly dues! Interested? Talk to a coach to see how it works and get set up!

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Wednesday 5/4


Every 90s for 15 min (10 rds):
2 Clean and Jerk (no tng)

rest 5 min

Emom 10:
1 Clean and Jerk

Go as heavy as form allows!!

NBCF competitors

Squat Clean

Monday, May 2, 2016

Tuesday 5/3

4 rounds each for time
500m row
400m run
50 double unders or 100 singles

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Monday 5/2

For time
100 pull ups
100 push ups
100 sit ups
100 squats

Complete all of one exercise before moving to the next
**the majority of you will have the number of pull ups and push ups scaled back