Thursday, March 30, 2017

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Thursday 3/30

Wod -- Partner
5 front squats 155/105
10 bar facing burpee 
15 T2B
Rest 2 min

Alternate completed rounds with a partner


Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Wednesday 3/29

4 rounds
1 min: 50m shuttle run or row (whole min) if it's raining
Rest 30 sec
1 min: 25 Wallballs 20/14
Rest 30 sec
1 min: farmers carry 53/35
Rest 30 sec
1 min: sled push / pull
Rest 30 sec


Monday, March 27, 2017

Tuesday 3/28

60' handstand walk -- different scaling options will be available 
20 chest to bar pull ups -- scale to 10 if you are not efficient 

I'm extremely proud of everyone for the hard work they put in during this open season.  We saw people do things they have never done before, we saw people step way out of their comfort zone, and we saw people cheering each other on every step of the way!! It was awesome to see!! Proud of all of you and hope you figured out some things that you can work on to improve for next year!!

I'll give you a hint... you need to work on these weaknesses a couple times a week in order to improve!!!


Sunday, March 26, 2017

Monday 3/27

Open 17.5 Redo
If you struggled Friday completing this wod in under 30 min, I do not advise a redo. Spend time in the next year to be better at double unders and don't let them continue to be a weakness

But if you want to go for 40 min, find someone to go with you and y'all can judge each other. I cannot allocate a judge for that long on a redo.


3 rounds for total reps
1 min: back squat 135/95
1 min rest
1 min: sit ups
1 min rest
1 min: power clean 135/95
1 min rest

Nutrition Challenge
Congratulations to everyone who completed the nutrition challenge.  It's not easy to make a big change to your lifestyle but for those of you who stuck it out for the whole challenge, we hope you learned a few things that will help you live a healthier life!! Take what you learned, apply it, and the results you want will come.  We are here to help!! 

Top 3 finishers lost:
Stevie Hooks - 27 lbs -- 3.33% body fat
Cheryl Smith - 10 lbs -- 6.69% body fat
Sam Johnson - 17.2 lbs -- 5.01% body fat

Other Notable finishers lost:
Jennifer Windham -- 2.58% body fat
James Myers -- 14.2 lbs -- 2.47% body fat
Robert Luna -- 8 lbs
Rocky McDonald -- 2.21% body fat
Jason Gregg -- 11.2 lbs -- 2.5% body fat
Tonya Smart -- 5.4 lbs -- 3.95% body fat
Joanna Creel -- 7.2 lbs -- 2.51% body fat
Leslie Meaux -- 9.5 lbs -- 3.69% body fat

Congratulate these guys when you see them!! If you are interested in seeing similar results, come talk to us!!

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Friday 3/24

"Open 17.5"
10 RFT
9 thruster 95/65
35 double unders

Well we have the dreaded double under WOD. If you are not great at double unders, meaning you do 1 or 2 at a time, and you would like to do this wod RX, then you need to try and make Friday Night Lights. It will be impossible for us to judge 40 min heats during the day Friday and Monday!! Thanks for your help!


Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Thursday 3/23

Emom x 18
Min 1: 15/10 cal row
Min 2: 20 air squats
Min 3: 14 dumbbell snatch 50/35

Friday Night Lights 17.5.. Lets close out the 2017 Open with a bang!!  We will have a tent set up and a distributor will be giving out Michelob Ultra!! Come join us!!


Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Wednesday 3/22

For Time
400m run
20 burpees 
300m run
15 burpees
200m run
10 burpees
100m run
5 burpees

Cash out
Sit ups


Monday, March 20, 2017

Tuesday 3/21

Front squat - build to a heavy set of 2

For Time
50 thruster 95/65
50 pull up

Get your measurements in by tonight at 7:30 for the Nutrition Challenge


Sunday, March 19, 2017

Monday 3/20

"Open 17.4"


Amrap 13
12 deadlift 115/75
10 hang power clean 115/75
8 push ups

You have until Tuesday at 7:30pm to get your measurements taken to wrap up the Nutrition Challenge. We will announce the winners at the end of the week!!!

Don't forget to submit your scores for 17.4

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Thursday 3/16

"Bring a Friend Day"
Emom x 20
Min 1: 200m run
Min 2: 15 KBs 53/35
Min 3: 7 burpee + 7 squats
Min 4: 10 dumbbell power clean 50/35

Who's excited for 17.4?!? We will watch it live tonight at 7:00 pm! 

Don't forget to get your measurements done!


Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Wednesday 3/15

Back Squat 5 x 3 climbing

Tabata Core Cash Out
Sit ups

17.4 Friday Night Lights is coming up again this Friday!! Come out and support our athletes!!

Get your measurements taken this week for the nutrition challenge!


Monday, March 13, 2017

Tuesday 3/14

For Time -- 22 min cap
50 box jump 24/20
40 wallballs 20-14
30 burpees
20 deadlift 225/155
100 double unders
20 deadlift
30 burpees
40 wallballs 
50 cal row

Nutrition Challenge 
Get your measurements in this week!!


Sunday, March 12, 2017

Monday 3/13

"Open 17.3" Redo


Amrap 12
175m run
25m walking lunge
15 DB push press

Don't forget to submit your scores for 17.3 tonight!!

Nutrition Challenge
Time is up and we are ready to see what kind of progress you have made!! Get your measurements taken this week sometime before Saturday!!


Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Thursday 3/9

5 RFT 
200m run
10 ring row
15 push ups
20 air squats

It's time for 17.3!!!! We will watch it live tonight at 7:00 and Friday Nghts Lights will go down again Friday at 6:30!!


Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Wednesday 3/8

4 rounds
1 min of work
10 sec of rest between each station
Score is lowest rep of each movement 

Cal row
Wallballs 20/14
Abmat sit ups
Sled push

At each station your are working for the entire minute. Get better!!


Monday, March 6, 2017

Tuesday 3/7

3 RFT 
100 double unders
25 handstand push ups

Scale double unders to a number you can accomplish reasonably 
Sub dumbbell strict press for handstand push ups


Sunday, March 5, 2017

Monday 3/6

"Open 17.2" Redo


Amrap 12
9 KBs 53/35
9 goblet squats 53/35
9 burpees

If you are planning to redo 17.2 today, make sure you allow a little extra time after class.  I feel we will have a lot wanting to redo and we will do our best to have you all finished by the time class is over. 
Submit scores by 6:59pm


Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Thursday 3/2

"Bring a Friend Day"
Emom x 16
Odd: cal row (pick a number you can maintain)
Even: 10 ground to overhead 75/55

Just like last week we will hold the same schedule for 17.2 We will watch it live in the lobby at 7:00pm and Friday Night Lights will kick off at 6:30.  Get there on time so we can get heats set up!!