Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Thursday 5/31

Wod - Rx
5 rounds
40s on 20s off
Dumbbell snatch 50/35
Double unders
BarMu - sub banded BarMu if needed

Wod - Scaled
5 rounds
40s on 20s off
Dumbbell snatch 35/20
Double unders - sub singles if needed
Pull ups - sub banded pull ups if needed

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Wednesday 5/31

Wod - Partner
Amrap 17
Row 250m
20 medball sit ups 20/14
Run 200m

Alternate each movement

Monday, May 28, 2018

Tuesday 5/30

“The BIG Clean Complex”
6 sets of the following
High hang clean + hang clean + clean + push press
High hang clean + hang clean + clean + push jerk
High hang clean + hang clean + clean + split jerk

The goal here is to do the entire complex unbroken, meaning don’t drop the bar.  If you have to drop, do so after the overhead movement but Pick it right back up. If you have to drop more than once it’s too heavy and you need to drop weight.

These are all squat cleans, we will scale this by making it power cleans.  Perform Rx unless mobility and injury are factors.

Rest as needed between sets.

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Monday 5/29

For Time
1 mile run
100 pull ups
200 push ups
300 squats
1 mile run

Split reps any way.
One class at 9:00am

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Friday 5/25

Wod - Rx (9 min cap)
2 rounds
10 power snatches 135/95
12 bar facing burpee
2 rounds
10 power snatches 95/65
12 bar facing burpee

Wod - Scaled (9 min cap)
2 rounds
10 power snatches 95/65
12 bar facing burpee
2 rounds
10 power snatches 75/55
12 bar facing burpee

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Thursday 5/24

For Time
3000m row
300 double unders or single unders
3 mile run

Split the row every 250m
Split jump rope reps as needed
Split run every 200m

Monday, May 21, 2018

Tuesday 5/22

Shoulder press 5 x 5 climbing 

Wod - Rx
5 RFT 
10 single arm DB push Press (10r/10l) 50/35
15 pull ups

Wod - Scaled
5 RFT 
10  single arm DB push Press (10r/10l) 35/20
15 banded pull ups

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Monday 5/21

Amrap 12 - Rx
15 box jump 24/20
12 T2b
9 hang squat clean 155/105

Amrap 12 - Scaled 
15 box jump 24/20
12 hanging knee raises
9 hang squat clean 95/65

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Friday 5/18

Wod - Rx
Amrap 17
3 BarMu 
6 deadlift 225/155
9 Hspu 

Wod - Scaled
Amrap 17
6 pull ups or 6 push ups
6 deadlift (pick weight)
9 box Hspu 

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Thursday 5/17

Wod - Partner
Work to get as many reps as possible

4 rounds
2 min - max calorie row/bike
2 min - max wall balls 20/14

Monday, May 14, 2018

Tuesday 5/15

“Weightlifting Tuesday”
Emom x 7
3 thruster

Rest 3 min

Emom x 7
3 push press 

Rest 3 min

Emom x 7
3 front squat

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Monday 5/14

Wod - Rx
5 RFT 
400m run
20 DB snatch 50/35
50 double unders

Wod - Scaled
400m run
20 DB snatch 35/20
100 single unders

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Friday 5/11

Tabata - Rx
Overhead squat 75/55
Sit ups
Hang power snatch 75/55

Tabata - Scaled
Overhead squat 75/55
Sit ups
Hang power snatch 75/55

The Tabata interval is 20 sec of work followed by 10 sec of rest. You will do all intervals of ohs then sit ups etc

Score is the least number of reps completed in any round for each exercise!

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Thursday 5/10

Wod - Partner
Amrap 20
15/12 cal row or bike or 200m run
15 Target burpee
Rest 2 min

This is best done with a partner. Alternate completed rounds.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Wednesday 5/9

5 rounds Not for Time
10 bench press - Pick Weight
50 double unders
10 deadlift - Pick Weight

This is a heavy lifting day mixed with a little double under practice.  Just methodically move through each exercise.

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Monday 5/7

Wod - Rx
3 RFT 
10 clean & jerk 135/95
50 wall ball 20/14

Wod - Scaled
10 clean & jerk 115/75
35 wall ball 20/14

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Thursday 5/3

“Bring a Friend Day”
Wod - Rx
4 rounds
1 min burpee box jump over
Rest 20 sec
1 min 200 min run
Rest 20 sec
1 min hang power clean 135/95
Rest 20 sec

Wod - Scaled
4 rounds
1 min burpee box jump over
Rest 20 sec
1 min 200 min run
Rest 20 sec
1 min hang power clean 115/75
Rest 20 sec

Tuesday, May 1, 2018