Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Wednesday 11/11



After the September 11th attacks on our country, Jeremy joined the Navy and became a SEAL. Ben already in the Army became a member of the legendary Green Berets. Beau followed his brothers and joined the Marine Corps Infantry. Together they served over 1,600 days in Iraq and Afghanistan. Tragically Jeremy was killed by a suicide bomber in Afghanistan on December 30, 2009. Just over two years later, Ben was killed in a firefight in Afghanistan. Beau remains on active duty in the United States Marine Corps.

Memorial Day is the day we honor those who gave their life in combat—veterans like Jeremy and Ben Wise who gave that “last full measure of devotion.” Veterans Day is the day we honor all who served and continue to serve. Those like Beau who come home and deal with the legacy of war on a daily basis.

The Three Wise Men Tribute seeks to launch a national movement to bring communities together on Veterans Day to honor those who survived their combat experience but have come home and are struggling. We will raise awareness of the problems our veterans face and provide direct support to successful programs that give them the help they need. These warriors fought for our country, now it is our turn to fight for them.


Returning veterans struggle with high suicide rates, high unemployment rates, a lack of resources to succeed, and a dwindling support community to look to for assistance. The struggles our veterans face are widely unknown by the general public and are difficult to identify.

As a combat veteran of the Marine Corps, I have lost too many friends. Those who gave the “last full measure of devotion” — a part of sacrifice and service that dates to the founding of our country. But no family should ever lose a veteran once they return from war.

Growing up, my closest friends were my cousins: Jeremy, Ben, and Beau Wise. We called them “The Three Wise Men.” Jeremy and Ben were both killed in action in Afghanistan. Beau remains on active duty in the U.S. Marine Corps.

The “Three Wise Men” tribute exists to raise awareness and funds to help our returning veterans access the help and services they need.

They went to war to defend us. Now it is our obligation to help them. On behalf of all who served and their families, I am asking for your help.

Join us as a competitor, spectator, or sponsor. We look forward to your participation.

Semper Fi,


1. Conditioning
“Three Wise Men”
A. “Jeremy”
5 Hang Snatch, 135/95 (crx squat)
10 Barbell Lateral Burpees

2 minute rest

B. “Ben”
10 Power Clean, 135/95
20 Pull-Ups

2 minute rest

C. “Beau”
15 Box Jump Overs, 24″/20″
30 Wall balls, 20/14

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