Monday, December 23, 2019

Tuesday 12/24

"Jacob Morris Tribute WOD"
For Time
50 wall ball 20/14
40 cal machine
30 dumbbell snatch 50/35
20 box jump over 24/20
15 barmu

Jacob Morris was a teen athlete who competed in the 16-17 division at the 2019 CrossFit Games back in August. He even placed 7th at the event although he was competing with a pre-existing heart condition.  He went to the Dr for a regular check up and they discovered that he had a valve that wasn't functioning properly which was leading to an enlarged heart.  Valve replacement surgery was the only option available.  The following is the last past he made on his instagram account before his passing. 

“I haven’t really posted about my surgery. I kind of needed time to process everything. It hasn’t been the easiest 4 weeks. Lots of ups and downs. I do see that I’m making a turn for the better these days and felt it was time to share more. ⁣

These photos are of me exactly 4 weeks ago. I really don’t really remember the first few days with all the medication. I also lost a lot of blood and I’m sure that is a factor into how out of it I was. I just remember sleeping a lot. ⁣

I know a few people who have had a valve replacement and I can say from what I can see my experience was different. I was in the hospital longer than them. My heart has had a much harder time functioning the way it is supposed to. I also have some stuff going on with my liver and spleen. I’ve been told that could be because of the valve leaking so much. ⁣

This story is far from done. I still have 8 more weeks until I’m even cleared to think about working out. Especially with how my heart function is still not where it should be. But today I feel good. I feel healthy. I feel thankful. I feel loved by so many. ⁣

Being as vulnerable as I am in these photos really puts things into perspective. ⁣

I have never felt closer to God than I do now. I feel like God has been showing me I am so much more than an athlete and good at CrossFit. I feel He is setting a path for me in all of this. I for sure know now I want to be a nurse after experiencing all the amazing nurses at APH. ⁣

I am thankful this happened. I know it is making me into who God wants me to be.” 

This workout is the last workout he was able to do before his surgery.  

Jacob Morris

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