Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Wednesday 4/1

Equipment/Minimal Equipment WOD

10 RFT
3 Power Snatch
5 Strict HSPU
7 Cal row
rest 1 min

Power Snatch weight:  pick a moderately heavy weight that allows for touch n go... if you have two DBs or KBs then do double DB or KB snatch for 6 reps, if you only have one DB or KB then do single arm snatch for 12 reps

Strict HSPU:  you can modify to kipping or use the same weight you have for snatches and do push press for the same amount of reps

Row:  If you don't have a rower you can sub any other machine for the same calories or do 100m sprint.

No Equipment WOD
7 Rounds
2:00 on 1:00 off
40 double under or 80 single
3 wall walks
Max rep walking lunge

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